Handbags, clutches, and purses are extensively used in our day-to-day lives but not cared for, decreasing the longevity of your belongings. According to most people, filthiness is the term concerning visible dirt and grease, but an uncleaned surface that looks okay is filthier than you might realize. In other words, if our handbag sticks around wherever we go, why not keep it as hygienic as we keep our clothes?
The handbag compartments we keep all our cards and cash are a breeding ground for germs. Moreover, the handles are filthier than the handbag surface as we hang them wherever we find it feasible. Taking proper care of the handbags can significantly increase their longevity and the risk of cross-contamination due to untreated bacterial buildup.
It’s a must-have for every household; ever seen how our pitch-black jeans and linen attract microparticles and lint? Been there. Before cleaning your handbag, use the lint roller to remove all the lint and dust particles that have accumulated so that the residue does not mix up with any liquid solution that you might use to clean it later. At times the residue gets mixed up with the liquid and stains your belonging.
If your handbag material is versatile or compatible with them, you can go for inexpensive handbag wipes, which are readily available online and in your nearest supermarket. This method is an alternative to using a microfiber cloth and soap water. If the material is leather, avoid this method, as the wipes might contain chemicals that may aid the early aging, discoloration, and even forming cracks on your handbag.
If you have a handbag that can be wet-washed, then do not be skeptical before washing it with dishwashing liquid. It is gentler than laundry detergent and can remove dirt, germs, and odor without damaging the fabric. Use a fabric softener after washing it, and then air dry it. Avoid putting your handbag in a washing machine unless you have a guideline or the green tick on the fabric care label.
If you have a leather handbag, soak a microfiber cloth in soap water as they are mild on the skin, squeeze the excess, and wipe the surface. Microfiber cloths are efficient in removing stubborn microparticles accumulated on the surface. Use a dry cloth subsequently to remove any moisture, or else that could lead the leather to puff from inside. Avoid using detergents as they are harsh; you can also use a little dishwashing liquid instead.
If you are too lazy to clean your handbag periodically, keep detachable pouches in the compartments you keep your cards, cash, and change; these things are what we use the most, prone to bacterial growth, and may aid communicable diseases. We cannot disinfect the money after every exchange or card after every use, but if we keep it inside a zipped pouch, we can wash it or disinfect it to eliminate and prevent bacterial buildup.
For non-leather handbags, you can use vinegar or lime juice as an alternative. Mix it with water in equal proportion before pretesting it on the handbag surface to see if it is compatible. Apply it to the required areas, then leave it for half an hour before wiping it off with a dry cloth afterward. Using this method on a leather handbag will lead to discoloration and cracks.
This method is versatile for both leather and non-leather materials and helps to remove the grease on the surface. Always take proper caution in pretesting home remedies before applying them. If it is compatible, spread baking soda or cornstarch on the greasy areas and cover it with a cloth. Let it rest overnight before wiping it off using the same microfiber cloth.
This method works only for leather bases. Dilute isopropyl or rubbing alcohol with water in equal proportion and apply it to the inorganic stains. Alternatively, you can use nail polish remover in place of rubbing alcohol directly on the affected areas and let it sit for an hour. Dab and rub the affected area gently with a slightly wet microfiber cloth before wiping it off with a dry cloth.
This step is essential for keeping the longevity of the leather bag intact. You can buy a leather conditioner from the store and apply it to your handbag. Or make homemade leather conditioner using vinegar and linseed oil or beeswax. Create a mixture with one portion of vinegar and two portions of the latter. Use a moist cloth to apply the mix, and dry it off with another cloth after a quarter-hour.
So, we hope you are now ready to clean your beautiful handbags!